Home Insights The 983 Area Code Saga: Denver’s Numeric Expansion

The 983 Area Code Saga: Denver’s Numeric Expansion

by blogadmin
983 Area Code

“Denver rolls out a new area code, but don’t expect it to solve your parking woes.”

In a city that’s been growing faster than a teenager’s appetite, Denver welcomed the 983 area code in June 2022 to ensure everyone could snag a phone number without resorting to semaphore flags.

Breaking Down the 983 Code

Getting a call from a 983 area code is like receiving an invitation to a party that doesn't exist yet—you're not sure what to expect, but you're pretty sure it's going to be exclusive.
Getting a call from a 983 area code is like receiving an invitation to a party that doesn’t exist yet—you’re not sure what to expect, but you’re pretty sure it’s going to be exclusive.

As of June 2022, the Denver metro has been assigning the shiny new 983 area code to fresh phone lines, joining the ranks of 303 and 720. This move, approved by Colorado’s Public Utilities Commission, was a nod to the area’s bulging phone line requirements, accommodating approximately 7.9 million users under its wing​​​​.

Geography Class

The 983 area code: where every ringtone is rumored to sound slightly more mysterious, leaving callers wondering if they've dialed into another dimension.
The 983 area code: where every ringtone is rumored to sound slightly more mysterious, leaving callers wondering if they’ve dialed into another dimension.

This numerical newcomer isn’t picky; it sprawls across Denver and its surrounding areas like Aurora, Boulder, and Lakewood, to name a few. If you’re getting a new line, you might be greeted with 983, but if you’re already part of the 303 or 720 crew, rest easy; your number stays put​​.

Time Zone Tales

Having a 983 area code is like being part of an elite club where the membership fee is just figuring out where it actually is on the map.
Having a 983 area code is like being part of an elite club where the membership fee is just figuring out where it actually is on the map.

Despite the new digits, 983 keeps company with 303 and 720 in the Mountain Time Zone. So, your clock remains unchanged unless you’re late for a meeting—that’s on you.

The 983 Lowdown

In the 983 area code, misdials are considered a local hobby—because honestly, who hasn't tried to call their neighbor and ended up chatting with someone on a different continent?
In the 983 area code, misdials are considered a local hobby—because honestly, who hasn’t tried to call their neighbor and ended up chatting with someone on a different continent?

Here’s what you need to know about adopting a 983 number:

  • New Kids on the Block: 983 welcomes new numbers only. No swapsies with your existing 303 or 720.
  • Dialing Drill: Brace yourself for 10-digit dialing across the board. Yes, that includes calling your next-door neighbor.
  • It’s All the Same: Aside from the number itself, a 983 functions just like its predecessors. No secret handshakes required.

Future Forecast

The introduction of 983 is just one chapter in Denver’s ongoing narrative of growth and connectivity. As the population climbs, who knows? We might be debating the merits of a 984 area code next. For now, 983 stands as a testament to Denver’s dynamism, ensuring that everyone gets a slice of the communication pie​​​​.

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